Thursday, October 29, 2009


1. To what extent is packaging important in marketing a product? Give an example of how a package influenced your decision to buy (or not buy) something.

In my opinion, packaging lends an advance taste to a product, the opportunity to preview. I'm not sure that packaging is one of the most important facets of marketing; however, I believe, as the second article stated, that a product's packaging carries much of the "brand promise." The brand promise is the guarantee that a product makes, the need or desire it will fulfill.
Food packaging is very influential to me. I like to eat "visually" almost as much as I do literally. Candy in particular tends to have strongly influential packaging. I generally pick a snack based on what the packaging represents.

2. What other products have iconic packaging?

The Pringles container is extremely recognizable and represents a tasty and beloved brand.

3. What usability issues exist for packaging? Give examples of particularly good or bad packaging from a usability perspective.
Product packaging must be durable yet easily opened. This is difficult because ease of opening might compromise the package's stability. On the other hand, some packaging is excessively durable. For example, as a child, I loved to purchase action figures. Unfortunately, G.I. Joes and other such toys were wrapped in layer upon layer of the stiffest, sharpest-edged plastic one could imagine. It took many frustrating minutes to open and prepare the toy for assembly. Is it really necessary to wrap the plastic toys in so much packaging? I think it was a bad package design.

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